Watch What Maisie Knew Movie with Full HQ Format

A contemporary reimagining of Henry James' novel, WHAT MAISIE KNEW tells the story of a captivating little girl's struggle for grace in the midst of her parents' bitter custody battle. Told through the eyes of the title's heroine, Maisie navigates this ever-widening turmoil with a six-year-old's innocence, charm and generosity of spirit. R
Release Date What Maisie Knew May 3, 2013 Limited
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Actors For What Maisie Knew

Onata Aprile,Steve Coogan,Julianne Moore,Alexander Skarsgård,Joanna Vanderham,Sadie Rae Lee,Jesse Spadaccini,Diana Garcia,Amelia Campbell,Maddie Corman,Paddy Croft,Trevor Long,Emma Holzer,Nadia Gan,Samantha Buck,Anne O'Shea,Malachi Weir,Ellen Crown,Jessica Miano Kruel,Zachary Unger

Genres What Maisie Knew : Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For What Maisie Knew

User Ranting What Maisie Knew : 4
User Percentage For What Maisie Knew : 67 %
User Count Like for What Maisie Knew : 3,352
All Critics Ranting For What Maisie Knew : 7.7
All Critics Count For What Maisie Knew : 54
All Critics Percentage For What Maisie Knew : 87 %

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Movie Overview For What Maisie Knew

Based on the Henry James novella, the story frames on 7-year-old Maisie, caught in a custody battle between her mother â€" a rock and roll icon â€" and her father. What Maisie Knew is an evocative portrayal of the chaos of adult life seen entirely from a child’s point of view.

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Review For What Maisie Knew

"What Maisie Knew" packs a surprising emotional punch, one that stays with you for a while when the movie's over.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

Mischievous updating of the Henry James novel, made especially moving by young Onata Aprile.
John Anderson-Newsday

What Maisie Knew" is about the erosion of innocence in the midst of plenty, yet it rarely feels heavy-handed, so serene is its own faith in its tiny heroine's strength.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe

Selfishness and cruelty never go out of style, which might explain why this millennial update of Henry James's 1897 novel works so well.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

The camera is often at Maisie's eye level, emphasizing how adults are seen by the perceptive Maisie. The sad-eyed Aprile's honest portrayal is heart-wrenching.
Claudia Puig-USA Today

A raw, uncomfortable examination of a family torn apart by two parents who love their daughter only half as much as they love themselves.
Barbara VanDenburgh-Arizona Republic

Despite a sensitive, mature performance from Onata Aprile as Maisie, the girl remains withdrawn and opaque throughout. In telling this sad story from her perspective, it never quite plugs in to what Maisie felt.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

An almost uncomfortably plausible depiction of the effects of bad parenting on a fragile psyche.
Eugene Novikov-Film Blather

This is exactly the kind of film that David and I live to write about. A true team effort --- great writing, directing and acting.
Jeanne Kaplan-Kaplan vs. Kaplan

The adult actors are all terrific, yet it is the remarkable Onata Aprile who is the glue that holds this little gem together.
David Kaplan-Kaplan vs. Kaplan

One might compare 'What Maisie Knew' to 'Kramer vs. Kramer.' This is the better film, more subtle and less manipulative.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

Henry James wrote the source novel in 1897, but its relevance to today's world of overworked, self-obsessed parents is downright eerie.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

The kid is goofy-sweet and innocent, with a bewildered expression that could charm even a pizza delivery man.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

She still believes that the world is an enchanted place that cannot hurt her. She does not understand what is going on around her, but we do.
Nell Minow-Beliefnet

Porn industry 1, Henry James 0.
Matt Pais-RedEye

Screenwriters...contemporize the 1897 Henry James novel with smart choices and directors McGehee and Siegel elicit fine performances from their cast, but despite the material's modern relevance [the film] feels like a long build to a single punch line.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

McGehee and Siegel -- as well as the adult cast -- are to be commended for keeping the film's depiction of marital strife from falling into melodrama and goopy sentimentality.
Ethan Alter-Television Without Pity

Searing and sad, with Julianne Moore and Steve Coogan at their fiercely-unlikable best.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The film hits home thanks to a stunning performance by Onata Aprile. At age 7, Aprile has mastered the steepest challenge in screen acting: reacting in an engaging way.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Saturday, June 1, 2013

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