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In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers. When American astronaut James Washington (Christopher Kirby) puts down his Lunar Lander a bit too close to the secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer (Udo Kier) decides the glorious moment of retaking the Earth has arrived sooner than expected. Two Nazi officers, ruthless Klaus Adler (Götz Otto) and idealistic Renate Richter (Julia Dietze), travel to Earth to prepare the invasion. In the end when the Moon Nazi UFO armada darkens the skies, ready to strike at the unprepared Earth, every man, woman and nation alike, must re-evaluate their priorities. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Iron Sky Jul 25, 2012 Limited
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Actors For Iron Sky

Julia Dietze,Götz Otto,Christopher Kirby,Udo Kier,Peta Sergeant,Stephanie Paul,Tilo Prückner,Kym Jackson,Michael Cullen

Genres Iron Sky : Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Comedy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Iron Sky

User Ranting Iron Sky : 2.9
User Percentage For Iron Sky : %
User Count Like for Iron Sky : 8,475
All Critics Ranting For Iron Sky : 4.4
All Critics Count For Iron Sky : 36
All Critics Percentage For Iron Sky : 36 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Iron Sky movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Iron Sky

In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.

TagLine Iron Sky

We come in peace!

Trailer For Iron Sky


Review For Iron Sky

Great idea, lousy execution: "Iron Sky" boasts one of the zaniest premises in recent memory, and somehow manages to squander most of its potential.
Jeff Shannon-Seattle Times

In space, no one can hear you laugh either.

'Iron Sky' just proves that even the dumbest idea needs a smart mind behind it.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

It's Nazis from space. Cult movie fans will basically know what to expect. It's just a shame it couldn't have been a bit better.
Catherine Bray-Film4

To its credit, while routinely stupid, it is playfully so - and it gets over the line through sheer force of charm. A "triumph of the will", if you catch our drift. (Sorry.)
Patrick Kolan-Shotgun Critic

Shock horror: hilariously terrible-sounding movie ends up being nowhere near as fun as you might hope. This does not bode well for my time-travelling monkey idea.

The film hasn't the budget to match its dizzying concept, nor the wit to fill the gaps between.

Despite some ill-advised turns of tonality, Iron Sky remains intriguing, submitting a lively sci-fi vision with a pronounced historical playfulness, keeping the feature eager to please and out to awe.

History tells us that you can't fake trash classics and you can't manufacture a cult.
Tara Brady-Irish Times

The jokes are spasmodic, as satirically weightless as playing golf on the moon.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Re-watch the teaser trailer, skip the final production.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

A space-ploitation brain fart.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Nazis on the moon! What could be more brilliantly bonkers than the lunatic premise of satirical sci-fi action comedy Iron Sky? Sadly, Finnish director Timo Vuorensola fails to make the most of his conceit.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

The space battle scenes are impressive, Julia Dietze is sexy and demure as the Nazi schoolteacher sent to Earth and there are genuinely funny moments.
Mark Adams-Daily Mirror [UK]

Lowballing schlock and nothing more.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies

Stylishly made with some terrific effects, Iron Sky also draws on everything from Star Wars to Dr Strangelove, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and a Sarah Palin-style US President in Stephanie Paul...
Graham Young-Birmingham Post

It's Nazis from space. Cult movie fans will basically know what to expect. It's just a shame it couldn't have been a bit better.

Madchens in tight blouses, space travelling stormtroopers, - was ist not to like?
Tim Evans-Sky Movies

Completely fails to deliver on its basic premise and is ultimately disappointing, thanks to a lazy script, poor performances and ham-fisted direction.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

Balls, that core factor found in the best political satires, is what Iron Sky is lacking.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews

Let's face it: it's Nazis from the Moon invading Earth in flying saucers, if you're expecting anything other than abject absurdity, you're in the wrong movie.
Tim Martain-The Mercury

Marginally more inspired and certainly more likable than Snakes on a Plane or The Human Centipede as net-spawned exploitation fodder goes, but you can safely wait for the DVD.
Mike McCahill-Guardian [UK]

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Watch The Story Of Luke Movie with Full HQ Format

A comedy about Luke, a young man with autism who embarks on a quest for a job and a girlfriend. Starring Lou Taylor Pucci, Seth Green, Cary Elwes and Kristin Bauer. Written and Directed by Alonso Mayo, based on his experiences at Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú, as seen in his research documentary "Just Like Anyone". Winner of Best Film at Irvine International Film Festival & San Diego Film Festival, and Audience Awards at Fort Lauderdale Film Festival & Bahamas International Film Festival.(c) Official Site
Release Date The Story Of Luke Apr 5, 2013 Limited
If You Like this movie you can streaming The Story Of Luke movie without downloading HERE

Actors For The Story Of Luke

Seth Green,Cary Elwes,Kristin Bauer van St...,Al Sapienza,Lou Taylor Pucci,Kenneth Welsh,Tyler Stentiford

Genres The Story Of Luke : Drama,Comedy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For The Story Of Luke

User Ranting The Story Of Luke : 3.9
User Percentage For The Story Of Luke : 80 %
User Count Like for The Story Of Luke : 663
All Critics Ranting For The Story Of Luke : 6.1
All Critics Count For The Story Of Luke : 5
All Critics Percentage For The Story Of Luke : 80 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming The Story Of Luke movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For The Story Of Luke

Sheltered by his grandparents, Luke, a young man with autism, is thrust into a world that doesn't expect anything from him. But Luke is on a quest for a job and true love. And he isn't taking no for an answer.

TagLine The Story Of Luke

Trailer For The Story Of Luke


Review For The Story Of Luke

When it works, the film serves as a modest reminder that the challenges of autism may sometimes be no more daunting or fearsome than those that face anyone in search of an independent life.
Daniel M. Gold-New York Times

"The Story of Luke" is not a saga of epic proportions, but with a huge assist from Pucci's layered performance, takes a premise that could easily be movie-of-the-week sappy and finds a humanizing lightness.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

A feel-good story about an autistic man's quest for independence, The Story of Luke is a charming little film in need of a bit more grit.
Chuck Wilson-Village Voice

The first comedy gem of 2013.

The outsized nature of their insensitivities is meant to reinforce the pain and humiliation from Luke's perspective, but it makes for a movie with an uneven tone.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman

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Watch The Lone Ranger Movie with Full HQ Format

From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski, the filmmaking team behind the blockbuster "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, comes Disney/ Jerry Bruckheimer Films' "The Lone Ranger," a thrilling adventure infused with action and humor, in which the famed masked hero is brought to life through new eyes. Native American spirit warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Armie Hammer), a man of the law, into a legend of justice-taking the audience on a runaway train of epic surprises and humorous friction as the two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption. (c) Disney
Release Date The Lone Ranger Jul 3, 2013 Wide
If You Like this movie you can streaming The Lone Ranger movie without downloading HERE

Actors For The Lone Ranger

Johnny Depp,Armie Hammer,William Fichtner,Tom Wilkinson,Ruth Wilson,Helena Bonham Carter,James Badge Dale,Bryant Prince,Barry Pepper,Mason Cook,JD Cullum,Saginaw Grant,Harry Treadaway,James Frain,Joaquín Cosio,Damon Herriman,Matt O'Leary,W. Earl Brown,Timothy V. Murphy,Gil Birmingham

Genres The Lone Ranger : Western,Action & Adventure,Kids & Family

Visitor Ranting & Critics For The Lone Ranger

User Ranting The Lone Ranger : 3.4
User Percentage For The Lone Ranger : %
User Count Like for The Lone Ranger : 97,361
All Critics Ranting For The Lone Ranger : 4.9
All Critics Count For The Lone Ranger : 214
All Critics Percentage For The Lone Ranger : 31 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming The Lone Ranger movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For The Lone Ranger

The Texas Rangers chase down a gang of outlaws led by Butch Cavendish, but the gang ambushes the Rangers, seemingly killing them all. One survivor is found, however, by an American Indian named Tonto, who nurses him back to health. The Ranger, donning a mask and riding a white stallion named Silver, teams up with Tonto to bring the unscrupulous gang and others of that ilk to justice.

TagLine The Lone Ranger

The Legend Returns

Trailer For The Lone Ranger


Review For The Lone Ranger

Frustrating, lazy and lifeless.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

Your expectations of how bad The Lone Ranger is can't trump the reality.
Peter Travers-Rolling Stone

Somewhere, around the hour-and-a-half mark, The Lone Ranger makes the fateful decision not to end. Worse, the movie keeps not-ending for another full hour.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

When it comes to mining boys' adventure stories, defaming pirates may be fair game, but stories about western justice and native Americans? Not so much.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail

Who, exactly, was this bipolar oater made for?
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

Director Gore Verbinski has adopted the more-is-better approach he used in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, crowding the movie with so many extraneous characters and subplots that the film becomes an endurance test.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

a bloated but entertaining studio juggernaut.
James Luxford-The National

A sense of joy in Verbinski's action runs through and energizes the entire film, and it's an ingratiating quality that should not be so easily and quickly dismissed.

Depp has done the kooky, costumed character shtick so many times, it's no longer surprising to see him bury his index finger into the desert sand, then lick it
Mara Reinstein-Us Weekly

Has its moments, but at 2 1/2 hours, movie tries to do far too much
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit

It's certainly not your ol' man's "Lone Ranger," Kemo Sabe, but there's still plenty of kicks and stunts to make you wanna shout, "Hi-O, Silver! Away!"
John Urbancich-Sun Newspapers of Cleveland

The Lone Ranger is a noisy, never-ending nonsensical mess, which easily tops the flops in the silly season of summer blockbusters. Last year, director Gore Verbinski made the Oscar winning animation Rango, this year, he's flogging a dead horse.
Brian Henry Martin-UTV

The first genuinely characterful action blockbuster of the summer: both a big, beautifully realised throwback to Hollywood Boy's Own storytelling and an intelligent revision of Old West history.
Guy Lodge-This is London

Yes, this $250million reboot is overlong, over indulgent and tonally uneven, but it's also stuffed full of deadpan comedy, breakneck thrills and breathtaking visual spectacle.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Everything about this film screams excess, from the ludicrous two-and-a-half hour running time to the whopping scale of the action sequences to Johnny Depp's bizarro costume.

If the movies have no ambition, nothing to say and no desire to tell new stories, should they continue? Jerry Bruckheimer, I await your answer.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

It's at times the most exciting live action film for years.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

It's no sort of masterpiece. But The Lone Ranger is a good deal less dreadful than advance word has suggested.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

Gallops across our skulls for two and a half hours, pounding them into the same kind of desert as that on screen: a barren flatland with occasional rearing outcries of rock.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Sporadically entertaining, frequently confounding and nothing less than spectacularly ill-conceived.
Ali Gray-Film4

Limp and lifeless, this overlong and undercooked would-be blockbuster cannot focus on either the hard-edged realities or the magical mysteries it toys with.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Flying as high as an eagle or scampering across the tracks like a lizard, Verbinski's camerawork is off the-chain and the visual-effects are first class.
Jonathan Crocker-Little White Lies

Verbinski clearly knows how to stage action, with outstanding train-based set-pieces bracketing the film.
Rob Daniel-Sky Movies

An enjoyable Western adventure enlivened by strong performances, stunning location work and some exciting action set-pieces ...
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

Verbinski has surely modified this film's running time using dastardly new temporal-distortion technology, so that each of its 149 minutes contains 250 seconds. The South American landmass peeled off from the western seaboard of Africa quicker than this.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

The Lone Ranger is a curio on a gigantic scale; a colossal, misunderstood mistake that will win you over with weird if only you'll let it.

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Watch After Earth Movie with Full HQ Format

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Watch Jack the Giant Slayer Movie with Full HQ Format

"Jack the Giant Slayer" tells the story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack (Nicholas Hoult) into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend-and gets the chance to become a legend himself.-- (C) Warner Bros
Release Date Jack the Giant Slayer Mar 1, 2013 Wide
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Actors For Jack the Giant Slayer

Nicholas Hoult,Eleanor Tomlinson,Ewan McGregor,Stanley Tucci,Eddie Marsan,Ewen Bremner,Ian McShane,Christopher Fairbank,Simon Lowe,Mingus Johnston,Ralph Brown,Joy McBrinn,Chris Brailsford,Warwick Davis,Craig Salisbury,Peter Bonner,Lee Boardman,Lee Whitlock,Jody Halse,Richard M. Dixon

Genres Jack the Giant Slayer : Drama,Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Jack the Giant Slayer

User Ranting Jack the Giant Slayer : 3.5
User Percentage For Jack the Giant Slayer : %
User Count Like for Jack the Giant Slayer : 82,247
All Critics Ranting For Jack the Giant Slayer : 5.7
All Critics Count For Jack the Giant Slayer : 190
All Critics Percentage For Jack the Giant Slayer : 52 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Jack the Giant Slayer movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Jack the Giant Slayer

The story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legendâ€"and gets the chance to become a legend himself.

TagLine Jack the Giant Slayer

Prepare for a giant adventure

Trailer For Jack the Giant Slayer


Review For Jack the Giant Slayer

A mash-up of old-school heroism, pantomime villainy, starstruck lovers and post-'Shrek' archness, it's more exhausting than exhilarating.
Nigel Floyd-Time Out

It's fast, rousing, and blessedly brief - under two hours instead of, say, nine in three bladder-straining installments.
David Edelstein-Vulture

Not awful, not wonderful, Jack the Giant Slayer is a midrange fairy tale epic that's a lot more ho-hum than fee-fi-fo-fum.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Jack the Giant Slayer is slight, but consistently amusing.

The movie feels so much like a video game that your fingers instinctively itch to do something, though a Jack video game isn't one we'd really want to play.
Mary F. Pols-TIME Magazine

The script sets up the situation and characters nicely, and the actors are terrific.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

When you make a movie this awful, with no hint of useful self-awareness, you're not proving a point--you're giving up.
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central

When it really gets going, and especially in the last 30 minutes, it's passable as matinee fodder.
Eric D.

If this is the new baseline for kid's fantasy films, and not freaking Wrath of the Titans, we're in very good shape.
Will Leitch-Deadspin

Jack the Giant Slayer is a quick and simple action adventure that comes loaded with plenty of laughs and CGI spectacle.
Jeremy Lebens-We Got This Covered

If anything "Jack the Giant Slayer" proves it's about time we begin inventing new fairytales.
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

Director Bryan Singer, who made The Usual Suspects and earlier X-Men movies, does a bit of good-hearted slumming with this CGI-heavy fantasy.

Although a fairy tale, the movie is presented as a big-budget, special-effects blockbuster that plays as much like Clash of the Titans as a Disney cartoon. That places a lot of limitations on audience.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal

Jack The Giant Slayer is an entertaining family adventure, with moments of tension and humour in equal measure.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

dull and perfunctory
Bill Gibron-Film Racket

Apparently spent most of its 'giant' $195 million budget on lavish, impressive special effects and nary a tinker's nickel on the ho-hum script.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

The cast seem stilted, even a bit surprised, to find themselves in the fictitious land of Cloister, dressed in panto regalia with dreadful hair-dos, no doubt under orders to deliver their lines with a touch of deliberate theatricality.
Simon Weaving-Screenwize

Thanks to the marvel of digital visual effects and the clear influence of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, [director Bryan] Singer does a terrific job showing us just how realistic a battle set in a fantasy world can look.
Jim Schembri-3AW

... a clever yet gentle twist on a familiar story, and one that multiple generations can share.

Between the magic beans or a ticket to this film... maybe take the beans.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

The family audience deserves better than this.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Singer is more concerned with old-fashioned storytelling than chasing a target audience's fleeting fads.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

You don't know Jack. And, I'm not so sure you want to get to know him, because he's a bit on the bland side.
Paul Chambers-Movie Chambers

This is, at best, dull escapism but there are a few reasons to keep watching, including Stanley Tucci camping away as the hissable villain and knight Ewan McGregor being sausage-rolled up by a chef colossus.
Alan Jones-Radio Times

We may sigh heavily at the thought of yet another fairy tale blockbuster, but the filmmakers and cast here demand a bit more attention. And sure enough, it's refreshingly smarter and funnier than we expect.

It could almost be funny, how Jack keeps trying to fly off into could-be fascinating directions and then gets yanked back into a mushy mediocrity.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Movie Images Jack the Giant Slayer

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Watch Oz the Great and Powerful Movie with Full HQ Format

Disney's fantastical adventure "Oz The Great and Powerful," directed by Sam Raimi, imagines the origins of L. Frank Baum's beloved wizard character. When Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he's hit the jackpot-fame and fortune are his for the taking-that is until he meets three witches, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams), who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone's been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity-and even a bit of wizardry-Oscar transforms himself not only into the great wizard but into a better man as well. When small-time magician Oscar Diggs (James Franco) pulls one flimflam too many, he finds himself hurled into the fantastical Land of Oz where he must somehow transform himself into the great wizard-and just maybe into a better man as well. -- (C) Walt Disney
Release Date Oz the Great and Powerful Mar 8, 2013 Wide
If You Like this movie you can streaming Oz the Great and Powerful movie without downloading HERE

Actors For Oz the Great and Powerful

James Franco,Mila Kunis,Rachel Weisz,Michelle Williams,Zach Braff,Bill Cobbs,Joey King,Tony Cox,Stephen R. Hart,Abigail Leigh Spence...,Bruce Campbell,Ted Raimi,Tim Holmes,Toni Wynne,Rob Crites,William Dick,Gene Jones,John Lord Booth III,Suzanne Keilly,Shannon Murray

Genres Oz the Great and Powerful : Science Fiction & Fantasy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Oz the Great and Powerful

User Ranting Oz the Great and Powerful : 3.5
User Percentage For Oz the Great and Powerful : %
User Count Like for Oz the Great and Powerful : 256,853
All Critics Ranting For Oz the Great and Powerful : 6
All Critics Count For Oz the Great and Powerful : 239
All Critics Percentage For Oz the Great and Powerful : 59 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Oz the Great and Powerful movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Oz the Great and Powerful

Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz. At first he thinks he's hit the jackpot-fame and fortune are his for the taking. That all changes, however, when he meets three witches, Theodora, Evanora, and Glinda, who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone's been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity-and even a bit of wizardry-Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard of Oz but into a better man as well.

TagLine Oz the Great and Powerful

In Oz, nothing is what it seems

Trailer For Oz the Great and Powerful


Review For Oz the Great and Powerful

An imaginative mix of live-action and CGI that pays homage to the iconic images and timeless sense of wonder in the classic The Wizard of Oz without being too deferential.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

Oz the Great and Powerful is entirely serviceable family entertainment. Problem is, serviceable doesn't quite cut it when you're talking about the magical land of Oz.
Randy Myers-San Jose Mercury News

Aside from a trio of witches that can hold its own with Eastwick's in the dishiness department, Oz the Great and Powerful is a peculiarly joyless occasion.
David Edelstein-New York Magazine

Let us take a moment to praise two great and surprisingly powerful characters: a winged monkey and a wee girl made out of china. Because so much human wonder resides in these two creations of make-up, puppetry, digital effects and lovely performances.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

The new Oz falls short of the 1939 Oz in charm and innocence, and certainly in songs. But as family entertainment, it's hard to fault such a rapturous spectacle and astute, suspenseful piece of storytelling.

Oz the Great and Powerful somehow manages to be both slavish to its hallowed template (when convenient) and completely tone-deaf to the magic that made it a one-of-a-kind cultural milestone.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News

This is the kind of movie that doesn't so much rush off the screen as it prances off with its nose turned up in the air.

A marvelously candy-colored and overall-pretty-fun-nothing-great-but-it's-all-right fantasy adventure.
Eric D.

Director Sam Raimi creates a magical experience for viewers in this beautiful and engaging prequel to "The Wizard of Oz."
John Hanlon-Big Hollywood

...Oz the Great and Powerful fares somewhat better than most similarly-themed, geared-at-kids big-budget fare.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

It strays so far from the whimsy and joy of the original that you forget the two films are even part of the same universe.
Will Leitch-Deadspin

A poorly written film with a vibrant palette that cannot hide the wickedness in its soul.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

I may sound like I'm tripping in a field of poppies, but the secret to this film's success seems to be James Franco.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis

This eye-filling fantasy is an entertaining riff on how the Wizard of that immortal film found his way to Oz.
Leonard Maltin-indieWIRE

Thick with director Sam Raimi's gonzo flourishes, but thin on character.

For a movie that looks gorgeous, evokes memories of a cinematic classic and boasts a bundle of star power, Oz the Great and Powerful is oddly flat.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal

The funny, warm-hearted "Wizard of Oz" prequel "Oz the Great and Powerful" veers far enough from the Yellow Brick Road paved by the original film to avoid dangerous direct comparisons.
Carla Meyer-Sacramento Bee

It pushes its gospel of modern "magic" - one third science, one third show biz, one third motivational speech - with Disney Channel earnestness.
Margot Harrison-Seven Days

Raimi's 'Oz' is nothing more than a grand theft of a 74-year-old vision, thinly veiled in over-saturated colors and populated with action-figure friendly characters sure to set the Mouse's cash registers ringing.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

True...the odds were stacked against Raimi in his film that has some moments but hardly seems momentous.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

big and splashy but tin-eared
Chris Barsanti-Film Racket

Looking backwards in more ways than one.
Cynthia Fuchs-PopMatters

Stunning visuals, some suprising plot twists, dreadfully mediocre dialogue delivered by a woefully miscast James Franco.
Marc Fennell-Triple J

Sam Raimi has managed to recapture the feel and charm of the original 'Wizard of Oz'... and that may be the greatest compliment of all.
Kevin A.

The script is the real problem, lacking in humor and wit (not to mention jaunty musical numbers) and emphasizing the type of sensory overload that seems to pass for family entertainment these days.

Raimi tries to go all in, but the update can't match the character of the original
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit

Movie Images Oz the Great and Powerful

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